Why Should You Pay Cash or Use and Out-of-Network Provider?

Physical therapy and chiropractic are two essential forms of healthcare that can help individuals recover from injuries, manage chronic conditions, and improve their overall health and wellness. However, not all insurance plans cover these services, and even when they do, individuals may find that they have limited options when it comes to choosing a provider. That’s why many people opt to pay for physical therapy and chiropractic services out-of-pocket or with an out-of-network provider. In this post, we’ll explore the reasons why someone might choose this route and provide an overview of the current landscape of out-of-network billing.

Reasons to Pay Cash or Use an Out-of-Network Provider for Physical Therapy and Chiropractic

  1. Cost Savings: Out-of-network providers may charge less for physical therapy and chiropractic services than in-network providers. Additionally, paying cash eliminates the need for insurance, which can save individuals money on premiums, copays, and deductibles.
  2. Flexibility: Out-of-network providers may have more flexible schedules, which can make it easier for individuals to get the care they need when they need it. They may also have more appointment options, including early morning or evening appointments, which can accommodate individuals’ busy schedules.
  3. Customized Care: Out-of-network providers may be able to offer more personalized or specialized care than in-network providers. This is because they are not bound by insurance company requirements or restrictions, and can develop customized treatment plans to meet the specific needs of each patient.

We believe that cash and out-of-network options create a mutually beneficial relationship between doctors and their patients. Utilizing these options allows providers to be paid fairly for their time and services and allows patients to get higher quality care without feeling like they are just a number.

In-network providers are victims of their situation. Most of the time, insurance companies work to pay as little as possible for their services (the average reimbursement for in-network GHI for chiropractic is $18 per visit, for example) and leave no room for negotiation. These circumstances make it very challenging for providers to afford to spend the time and energy necessary to truly help their patients.

At CityIR, our patients are incredibly important to us. That’s why we spend 30-45 minutes hands-on for every visit. It is also why we prefer to accept cash or out-of-network insurance benefits, these methods allow us to maximize our time with patients and improve our outcomes.

Recently, there has been a growing concern about “surprise medical bills,” where individuals receive unexpected bills from out-of-network providers after receiving care. In response, many states and the federal government have passed “no surprise billing” laws to protect consumers from these unexpected costs. These laws aim to limit the amount that individuals are responsible for paying when they receive care from an out-of-network provider. These laws benefit us because we are upfront with our patients about costs and never surprise back-bill our patients for previously undisclosed amounts.

Paying cash or using an out-of-network provider for physical therapy and chiropractic services can offer many benefits, including cost savings, greater control over care, and customized treatment plans. Please check out our Frequently Asked Questions page or call us at 646-256-9513 for more information.

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