Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy

What are Shockwaves?

Shock waves are audible, energy-dense sound waves generated by special instruments. 

High-energy shock waves have been used in medicine since 1980 to break up kidney stones. Today, advanced technology allows the use of low-energy shock waves to heal many musculoskeletal disorders including, muscle spasms, pain in various body areas, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, rotator cuff tendonitis, and many others. 

Low-energy shock waves accelerate healing processes by stimulating metabolism and improving circulation, allowing damaged tissues to regenerate. 

Shockwave therapy is a safe, effective, non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment method. There are two types of shockwave therapy.


Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT) also known as Radial Shockwave  uses acoustic pressure waves to enhance circulation to painful body areas and speed the healing process. EPAT is great for muscle spasms, tendon pain, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and foot pain.

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) also known as Focused Shockwave is a regenerative technology that uses high-frequency, low-energy sound waves to treat damaged tendons, muscles, and bones. ESWT is great for plantar fasciitis, achilles pain, TMJ pain, and many other conditions.

Who Needs Shockwave?

Shockwave is a great treatment for people who have pain and want safe, medication-free, non-invasive pain management. ESWT and EPAT are effective for treating pain and injuries in the back, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, and feet.

Common Conditions treated with Shockwave:
  • Low back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Rotator cuff pain/tendinitis (including calcific tendinitis)
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Ankle/Foot Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Tennis elbow/ medial epicondylitis
  • Golfers Elbow/ lateral epicondylitis
  • Hip pain/ tendinosis/ bursitis
  • Hamstring pain
  • Shin Splints
  • Patellar Tendonitis/ Jumper’s Knee
  • Morton’s Neuroma
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease
  • Heel Spurs
  • TMJ Pain
  • Painful Trigger Points
  • Various Sports Injuries

Radial Shockwave

Radial shock wave is great for muscle pain, superficial tendon pain, trigger points, and regional body pain. Each session includes 2000 radial shocks. Each therapy session takes between 5 and 10 minutes Depending on the disorder to be treated, an average of 3 to 5 treatments are necessary, performed once per week at weekly intervals.

$150 Per Session

Focused Shockwave

Focused shock wave is great for tendon and bone pain, tendonitis, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, and other chronic inflammation. Each session includes 2000 focused shocks in the desired energy range. Each session takes about 15 minutes. Depending on the disorder to be treated, an average of 3 to 5 treatments are necessary, performed once per week at weekly intervals.

$250 Per Session

Combination Therapy

Occasionally, a patient’s condition requires both focused and radial shockwave. This occurs in complicated conditions and conditions that cross multiple regions of the body (lower back and hip pain, for example). Combination shockwave consists of 2000 focused shocks and 2000 radial shocks. This procedure is only performed when clinically indicated.

$350 Per Session

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12 East 44th Street
5th Floor New York, NY 10017