How do we address TMJ Disorders?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a modified hinge-type of synovial joint that connects the jaw to the skull through a highly complex series of muscles, tendons, and ligaments.  It is one of the most used joints in our body and responsible for movement every time we use our mouth. 

Due to its high repetitive use, TMJ disorders are prevalent, and many people experience severe life-impacting pain and physical limitations. TMJ disorders are commonly related to postural abnormalities of the head, neck, shoulder, and midback that must also be addressed to sufficiently improve this condition. Jaw pain has many origins and many different presentations and should be evaluated by a medical professional.


​Pain  | Instability | Frozen/Locked jaw | Restricted opening  | Dull/Achy  | Popping/Clicking |  Muscle fatigue  | Muscle spasm | Headache | Inability to chew |  Teeth grinding  |  Jaw clenching | Deviated opening | Tinnitus (Ringing in ear)


  • TMJ Disorder
  • TMJ Disc Displacement 
  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome


​Jaw pain has many origins and presentations and can affect a patient in many different ways. The region of pain might not be the region that is causing your current issue. Our team of doctors evaluates each patient through a detailed history and comprehensive physical exam that includes a series of dynamic and static tests, postural evaluation, jaw stability tests, and examination of the upper extremity movement patterns that trigger your symptoms.  This thorough examination will allow us to identify what is causing your pain or dysfunction and begin working on an individualized treatment plan with corrective exercises that fits your exact needs.